Introduction of recyclable adhesives for foam bonding: another innovative milestone in our role as an industry pioneer.
2023Jochen Schanbacher, Managing Director Asia Pacific, is appointed to the Management Board of ALFA Klebstoffe AG.
2023We celebrate 50 years of ALFA Klebstoffe AG.
2022ALFA Klebstoffe AG wins the sustainability award from “Location Zürcher Unterland” for the development of ALFAPURA® adhesives.
2021Launch of the world’s first adhesive line for the circular economy under the new ALFAPURA® brand.
2020Construction of the photovoltaic system on the production building. ALFA Klebstoffe AG produces its own electricity.
2019Foundation of SIMALFA China Co. Ltd. in Shanghai. Expansion of production and warehouse building.
2018Planning and expansion of the warehouse building.
2016ALFA Klebstoffe AG wins the prestigious “SME Award” from Zürcher Kantonalbank. Expansion of production.
2015Planning of further expansion and partial implementation.
2014Expansion of the production facilities. Expansion of market area to Ukraine, Baltic states, Russia, Turkey.
2013We celebrate 40 years of ALFA Klebstoffe AG.
2012New office building
2011Further expansion of market area to South Africa, West Africa, Asia.
2010Expansion of market area to Hungary, Romania, India.
2009New construction of the production hall.
2007Various new developments in the SIMALFA® area. Expansion of market area in Poland.
ab 2005ALFA Klebstoffe AG develops the double roller as an application method for foam bonding with SIMALFA®. Additional land purchase (3800m²).
2004We celebrate 30 years of ALFA Klebstoffe AG. Purchase of land (3320m²) and start of construction on the street “Vor Eiche 10”. Move to new headquarters in Rafz.
2002Maya Bänninger and Thomas Simmler take over the company. New visions for expansion are developed.
2001Agency agreement for Germany concluded with Wolfgang Gross.
1999Joint trade fair appearances with USA partner.
1997ALFA Klebstoffe AG invents the free-flow system and launches it on the market. Further expansion of market area to Japan.
1995First major customers for SIMALFA®.
1994First sales partner for SIMALFA® (BENELUX). Establishment of distribution network in Europe and first participation in international trade fair “interzum” Cologne. Foundation of ALFA Adhesives Inc. in New Jersey, USA.
1993Patent application for SIMALFA® and first sales activities abroad: Germany, Denmark, Austria.
1990First development steps for foam adhesives.
1989Further development of the product range, fast-setting dispersion adhesives for packaging machines, first partnerships, agencies and representatives.
1980erExpansion of the product range with hotmelt adhesives.
1976Emil Simmler founds ALFA Klebstoffe AG in Buchberg SH.